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Tourism Ireland Social Media

Tourism Ireland has developed a significant digital footprint in recent years, particularly in social media. We now have over 4.4+ million Facebook fans, 695k Instagram followers and 510k Twitter followers.  Check out our social media tips below!

  • 10 Facebook Tips
  • 10 Twitter Tips
  • 10 Instagram Tips
  • Tourism Ireland YouTube Videos

Tourism Ireland's social strategy is to ‘’extend our consumer engagement, in a connected way, across platforms and networks in order to drive differentiation, reach, word of mouth and specific customer relevance for the island of Ireland as a holiday destination.’’
Tourism Ireland has grown its fan base from a few thousand at the beginning of 2010 to over 5.6 million fans today, across 23 markets – including Great Britain, the US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Nordics, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, India and the Gulf Countries (English and Arabic versions).

We are committed to growing our own social media audiences in order to talk directly to consumers about holidaying on the island of Ireland. Through our followers on our social media platforms we have the potential to reach a further 700 million of their connections. 

The size of our social media audiences provides a valuable platform for promoting the island of Ireland, and a great promotional opportunity for you to promote your business to a worldwide audience. As part of our overall marketing strategy, Tourism Ireland is using social media in a host of creative ways to inspire potential holidaymakers to come and visit the island of Ireland.

What should you do now?

Send your content for social to the following email address:
MaxMedia are Tourism Ireland’s media agency and they create social posts and editorial content for Tourism Ireland platforms.

See the criteria here for best content submissions. 

Note: There is no guarantee of usage for content received.

Pinterest (US): TourismIreland
YouKu (China): TourismIreland
Weibo (China): DiscoverIreland

Tourism Ireland @Tourismireland

New Zealand @DiscoverIrelandNZ

Australia @GoToIrelandOz

Discover Ireland @DiscoverIreland

Canada @DiscoverIrelandCA

Middle East @DiscoverIrelandME

Ireland Family History @IrelandFamilyHistory

Spain @DescubreIrlanda

Discover Ireland Nordics @DiscoverIrelandNordics

Discover Ireland India @DiscoverIrelandInd

Germany @EntdeckeIrland

Netherlands @Ierland

Discover Ireland Hong Kong @DiscoverIrelandHongKong

France @TourismeIrlandais

Italy @TurismoIrlanda

Tourism Ireland @TourismIreland

Italy @TurismoIrlandese

Tourism Ireland @TourismIreland

Germany @entdeckeirland

Netherlands @ierlandtoerisme

Italy @turismoirlanda

Tourism Ireland @tourismireland



Australia @GoToIrelandOz 

Australia Media @Media_IrelandOz

Netherlands @IerlandToerisme

BeNe Media @Ierland_Media

Spain @DescubreIrlanda

Spain Media @IrlandaPrensa

New Zealand @GotoIrelandNZ

Dublin @DiscoverIreland

Great Britain @GoToIreland

PR @media_ireland

France @VacanncesIrlande

France Media @IrlandeMedia

Canada @GoToIrelandCA

Canada Media @Media_IrelandCA

US @GoToIrelandUS

US Media @Media_IrelandUS


Middle East @GoToIrelandME

India @GoToIrelandInd

Nordics Media @TiMediaNordics

Italy @TurismoIrlanda

Industry Opportunities @TIindustryopps Community @ROI_NI_Comm

Official Account @DiscoverIreland

Netherlands @IerlandToerisme

Germany @entdeckeirland

France @TourismeIrlandais