What are Publicity and Media Opportunities?
Engage in overseas publicity activities such as press releases, media visits, competition prizes sponsorship and digital PR.
Industry can work collaboratively with Tourism Ireland through the below opportunities:
B2B and B2C Publicity and Media Opportunities
Publicity Programmes in Markets
Engage in our overseas publicity programmes to gain exposure for your product. Activities included in publicity programmes include press releases, media visits, competition prizes, press receptions and digital PR. Typically, our larger markets apply a tiered system of gold, silver and bronze packages ensuring that there are ample opportunities for all sizes of industry partners. Publicity Programmes usually have limited space available so apply early to avoid disappointment.
View related opportunitiesPrize Sponsorship
Gain exposure through competition prize sponsorship in a market overseas. In return your product will often feature in our consumer e-zines and on social media channels. Prize sponsorship provides a cost-effective opportunity to promote your product in an overseas market and offers you the chance to boost awareness for your business, product offering as well as raising awareness for your local community through sponsorship of a prize.