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Halloween Event for Dutch Travel Trade

Belgium and The Netherlands Date: 10/10/2023 Closed for registration €100 (industry to pay 25% = €25)


This event will use Halloween as a hook to bring Ireland to the attention of the Dutch travel trade. The aim is to educate them on heritage in Ireland, the origins of Halloween and Ireland in general.

We would like to invite industry partners to build awareness with the Dutch travel trade. Industry partners will provide learnings for the trade through product update presentations and sharing educational information.

This is a great opportunity to connect with Dutch tour operators, travel agencies and independent travel agents in an atmospheric setting.

To register your interest in participating;


Opportunity Type
Activity category
Overseas Events
In person events
Sign up by
Kasteel Woerden, Kasteel 3, 3441 BZ Woerden, The Netherlands

The event will run from 17:30 - 21:00. The evening will include presentations, performances, and networking.

Participating industry partners should;

  • Give a presentation to the attending travel trade (5 mins) about the link with Irish heritage, story-telling and Halloween.
  • Provide additional information at table during the event.
  • Network with the attending travel trade.